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Tom Yum Goong Soup Recipe

Updated: Dec 28, 2020

Tom Yum Goong Soup
Tom Yum Goong Soup

"Tom yum soup is a spicy clear soup from Thai cuisine. It is seen as one of the best known Thai dishes. Tom yum is also served in the neighboring countries of Laos, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia."

Ingredients for Tom Yum Goong Soup:

serves 4:

- 3 cups - 750ml water

- 1 Tomato, sliced

- 2 Stalks lemon grass, cut into pieces

- 3 Lime leaves

- 2 tbsp Tamarind paste

- 1 tbsp Fish sauce

- 1 Onion, chopped

- ½ cup - 100gr shrimps

- 2 tbsp Chilli paste

- Fresh chilli peppers

- 1 Lime (small)

- Fresh cilantro leaves

How to make Tom Yum Goong Soup:

Peel and devein shrimp, reserving shells. Combine shrimp shells and 3 cups water in a large sauce pan, bring to a simmer. Cook 1 hour.

Add lime leaves, lemon grass and tamarind pasta, simmer for 10 min.

Strain broth mixture through a sieve into a bowl; discard solids.

Add shrimp pieces, onion and chilli pasta and boil till shrimp pieces are cooked.

Add chili peppers and sliced tomatoes.

Take it off from the heat.

Stir in lime juice and fish sauce.

Ladle into bowls and garnish with fresh cilantro leaves.


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