Deer ragout with Pumpkin puree and fried wild Mushrooms
Updated: Dec 28, 2020

A delicious recipe to make your own deer ragout. Very simple and always a success, for example on a cold winter's evening, during the Christmas dinner on the Christmas menu especially.
Ingredients for Deer Ragout with Pumpkin Puree and fried wild Mushrooms:
1 tablespoon juniper berries
½ tablespoon peppercorns
4 onions
1 pumpkin
1 pound - 450g of forest mushrooms
2 pound - 900g floury potatoes
1 ball of garlic
some sprigs of leaf parsley
2 tablespoons flour
2 oz -55 g tomato puree
2 tablespoons brown sugar
6 tablespoons olive oil
1½ oz - 42 g salted butter
salt and pepper
1 bottle of spicy red wine
1 onion cut in half (for the marinade)
2 carrots, chopped into large pieces
2 pound - 900g deer fillet
2 oz - 55 g salted butter (for the puree)
How to make Deer Ragout with Pumpkin Puree and fried wild Mushrooms:
Cut the meat into large pieces a day in advance and put it in a salad bowl with the red wine, the halved onions, the carrots, the herb owl, the juniper berries, the peppercorns and some whole cloves of garlic. Cover and let marinate in the fridge for 24 hours.
Drain the meat and fry in 1/3 of the oil and 1/2 of the butter until nicely colored.
Roll through the flour and season with salt and pepper. Add the marinade, tomato puree and brown sugar.
Simmer on a low heat for at least 1h30 with the lid on the pan.
In the meantime, peel the onions and chop them into quarters. Cook them for 40 minutes on a low heat in a little oil, together with the rest of the whole cloves of garlic, in a pan with a lid.Cut the pumpkin into large pieces without peeling.
Peel the potatoes. Cook them together for 30 minutes in salted water.
Drain and crush with a fork, add 1/3 of the oil and butter (for the puree).
Season with salt and pepper.
Set the meat aside once it is nice and soft.
Sieve the sauce and let it thicken on the fire if necessary. Season further to taste.
Place the meat and the separately prepared garlic and onions in the sauce.
Keep warm.
Bake the wild mushrooms in a frying pan over a high heat in a mixture of butter and oil.
Mix in the chopped leaf parsley.
Season with pepper and salt afterwards.
Serve the ragout with the mash and the mushrooms.